WPI Spectroscopy


LEDSPEC-2   LEDspec  Biophotometric Detection System, 2 channel 生物光度檢測系統
•Low noise detection 
•Low drift 
•Standard detection wavelengths: 400, 450, 540, 560, 700 nm
•Dual Beam

LED-LITE ELS Power Supply ELS 電源
•Modular LED light source with exchangeable LEDs

UPUV UltraPath System Ultraviolet and Visible Light 光學檢測系統

•A unique multiple long pathlength sample cell for absorbance spectroscopy 
•User-selected optical path lengths: 2, 10, 50 & 200 cm
•Use for Process Control & Oceanography

LWCC-3100 100cm Liquid Waveguide Capillary Flow Cell 
•250-uL Internal Sample Volume
•Improve sensitivity 50 times vs standard quartz type 10-mm cuvettes.
•Wavelength Range: 230-730nm
Tidas-I Spectrometer Module 高性能光纖分光光度計系統

•High performance fiber optic spectrometer system
•Photodiode array spectrometer module
•Low noise detection 
•Wavelength range 195 nm to 725 nm

SPT-2.jpg (593461 個位元組) ■  SPT-2 SpectroPipetter-II Dipping Probe 光譜移液器

•Sample volumes as small as 2 microliters
•Ideally suited for protein and DNA analysis
•Optimal UV Efficiency

SPECTRAUSB4 Miniature CCD Array Spectrometer Modules 光學檢測器

•General purpose UV-VIS measuring
•Detection range: 200-850 nm
•Slit aperature: 25
•Optical resolution 1.5 FWHM

DIP-NIR2 DipTip for UV/NIR Spectroscopy, 2mm path  

紫外/近紅外光譜儀的浸入式探針, 2mm光程

•World's smallest fiber optic dipping probe
•Ideal for multi-channel applications

SPECTRASUITE Spectroscopy Software光譜分析軟件

•Required to obtain data from all SPECTRAUSB4 spectrometers
•Chemical Reaction Kinetics
•21 CFR Part 11 Compliant
•Spreadsheet compatible saving format

59609 Fiber Optic Adapter 光纖配器

•For UV1000 and UV2000 Thermo Electron HPLC Detectors

D4H Deuterium/Halogen Fiber Light Source 鹵素氘燈光源
•UV/VIS/NIR continuous fiber optic light source
•Wavelength range: 200-1100nm
•Integrated TTL shutter
•Ultra-low drift: <1mAU/h

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300051 Fiber Optic Collimator SMA 光線準直儀
•Collimate a light beam emitted by an optical fiber
•Couple light from a collimated light beam into an optical fiber

■  FO-6000 Tungsten Fiber Light Source 高色溫鎢燈
•VIS/NIR continuous fiber optic light source
•Wavelength range: 380-1700nm
•Integrated TTL shutter
•Ultra-low drift: <1mAU/h

WPI 台灣總代理


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