WPI Surgical Accessories & Animal Handling Gloves 


■ 500370 雙目小型放大鏡 2.5x 
•2.5x magnification
•35-50cm working distance
•10cm field of view
•Adjustable interpupillary distance
•Adjustable independent focus for each eye 
■ 501331 雙目小型放大鏡 4x  
•4x magnification
•38-48 cm
•6.5cm field of view
•Adjustable interpupillary distance
•Adjustable independent focus for each eye 
■ 501336 Student Veterinary Kit 學生解剖器材包  
•9-Piece surgical tool kit 
 Kit includes: 
•Dissecting scissors, 4.5"
•Dissecting scissors, 4"
•Dressing forceps, 5.5"
•Micro dressing forceps, 4"
•#4 Knife handle
•Straight teasing needle
•Angled teasing needle
•#22 Surgical blade
•Canvas roll-up
■ 501986 Silicone Dissecting Pad Kit 矽膠解剖墊套組  
•2-Part SylGard silicone elastomer
•20 Plastic petri dishes with lids, 65mm
■ 501892 Acrylic Surgical Table 壓克力手術檯
•20cm x 14.5 cm

WPI 台灣總代理


TEL:02-2715-1616;02-2716-0905  FAX:02-2715-5268


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