■ RPE-KIT/ IO-KIT 注射工具包


These kits are specially designed for eye research for injecting retinal pigment epitheliumRPEand intraocularIOin addition to brain injection in mice.

They need to be used with a NanoFil syringe and UMP2 to achieve accurate,repetitive, and oil free injection in the submicroliter range. Each kit includes two pieces of silflex tubingone for a spare,a holder assembly, spare gaskets, and an assortmemt of four tips – blunt for the RPE kit and beveled tips for the IO kit. Each kit comes with one each of 33, 34, 35 and 36 gauge tips so that first time users can find the best size for their application.

The Silflex tubing is the most critical component of the kit. This 35 cm Long, flexible tubing has a very precise outer diameter for airtight fitting with  the syringe. It also has a small inner diameter for minimum dead volume, and is very durable when handled correctly. The SilFlex is coupled to the injection tip with a mechanism similar to that of the NanoFil. The dead volume of the entire kitincluding the tubingis less than 3 microliters. All of the components in the kit are constructed of inert, solvent resistant, and autoclaveable materials for easy cleaning after viral injection.


此工具包是用於見下面的視網膜色素上皮和眶內注射以及小鼠腦內注射的需要與NanoFilUMP2配合使用,已獲得準確、重複、無油的亞微升注射。每個工具包包含兩個Silflex管(一個為備用)、一個夾持器、備用墊片和四種針頭-RPE工具包配鈍形針頭,IO工具包配帶斜面針頭, 每種工具包還包含有33343536G針頭, 這樣用戶在第一次使用後就可以挑選到最合適的針頭。

Siflex管是工具包最關鍵的組成部分,這根35cm長可彎曲的管子有精確的外徑, 氣密性好, 可以與注射器緊密相連, 內徑很少可以最大程度的縮小無效腔, 只要是用正確可以使用很長時間。Silflex與注射針頭已與NanoFil相同的機理相連。整個工具包(包括管子)的無效體積小於3µL。工具包的所有部件的採用惰性、抗有機溶劑溶解、可高溫消毒的材料製成, 在注射病毒後, 可以很容易清洗。




Retinal Pigment EpitheliumRPEinjection kit SilFlex tubing, gasket, holder, and blunt tipmix

視網膜色素上皮注射工具包 (SilFlex, 墊片, 夾持器, 鈍頭針頭)


IntraocularIOinjection kit SilFlex tubing, holder, gasket, and beveled tipmix

眶內注射工具包(SilFlex, 墊片, 夾持器, 斜面針頭)


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