■ Pressure Manometer 壓力表 Hand-held
and battery operated, PM Series pressure manometers monitor vacuum and
pressure in nonaqueous fluids. An integral transducer and digital display
allow easy and accurate pressure readings. Three versions measure
pressures in the range of ±1
psi, ± 15 psi or ± 100 psi. A range switch allows measurement in units
of psi or kPa for the 100 psi version, and psi or mm Hg for the 15 psi
version. Pressure can be read on the built-in LCD display or relayed to a
chart recorder, oscilloscope, or computer. PM Series pressure manometers come with 4 feet of ⅛-inch
ID soft vinyl tubing. A mini-phone-to BNC cable for the recorder output is
also available (Part #CBL 102).Standard
versions are equipped with a nine-volt alkaline battery. |
測量范圍分別是±1 psi(磅/英寸2),
± 15 psi 和 ± 100 psi。100psi型號有單位選擇開關可以可以選擇psi或
kPa, ± 15 psi型號有單位選擇開關可以選擇psi
示波器和計算dvii 上。 PM 系列壓力表有4個內徑1/8英寸軟乙烯管腳,
可提供-mini 電話線BNC線纜的記錄儀輸出口,
標準型號需要9號鹼性電池。 |
WPI 台灣總代理 台灣節能企業股份有限公司 TEL:02-2715-1616;02-2716-0905 FAX:02-2715-5268 內容及版權屬節能企業及其所屬關係企業所有 All Rights Reserved By Zelon Enterprise & Associates |