■ NanoFilTM   NanoFil 10uL syringe  


•World's smallest dead volume injection syringe
•Use with WPI needles 33-36g
•Fits UMP3 microinjection pump


NanoFil is a specially designed syringe developed in response to customer requests for improved microinjection in mice and other small animals. It makes quantitative nanoliter injection much easier and more accurate than any other method currently in use.

No oil backfilling necessary

In traditional nanoliter injection, the dead volume of the syringe and needle is backfilled with oil as a displacement transfer. This makes the process messy and risks contamination of the injected sample. NanoFil's low volume, flexible tubing eliminates the need for oil. Injection is now simpler, and less messy, and there is no possibility of oil contamination in critical applications such as ophthalmology research (please see the Retinal Pigment Epithelial (RPE) and Intra Ocular (IO) injection kits.

How it works

When the inner diameter of the tip on a conventional syringe is reduced to less than 100 micron, it is very difficult to back fill the solution at a reasonable speed. NanoFil solves this problem by using a tip coupling mechanism that makes it possible to change the syringe tip during the experiment.


Specially designed tips as small as 36 gauge (110 micron OD) are offered in both blunt and beveled styles. Our studies have shown that these tips will cause less trauma to the tissue than any other form of micro syringe currently in use. NanoFil has a unique coupling mechanism that allows many different forms of small tubing and tips to be coupled with the syringe barrel.

NanoFil™ Sub-microliter injection system for small animal research (用於研究小動物的亞微升注射系統)

● The world´s smallest dead volume injection syringe ( 世界上無效腔最小的微注射器)

 ● Comes with various needle sizes from 26 ga.to 36 ga.( 配有不同型號的注射針從26G36G)

 ● Versatile research applications – RPE and I0 Kits ( 多樣化研究應用-RPE10號工具包)

 ● Custom needle shapes available – blunt, sharp, beveled ( 常規的各種注射針頭-鈍頭、銳頭、有斜面的)

 ● Compatible with WPI´s UMP2 and PV800 series microinjection systems ( 可兼容WPIUMP2PV800系列微注射系統)


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