ISO2 溶氧測定儀 

  • Measures gas and dissolved oxygen
  • Low oxygen consumption
  • 2mm electrode tip  


Isolation prevents adverse interaction with other electrodes and instruments. Highly accurate and stable SYS-ISO2 measures oxygen concentrations in aqueous solutions and in gas mixtures. Measurement modes are percent oxygen, parts per million, and oxygen reduction current in nanoamperes.

Detection limit

The lower detection limit (DL) for SYS-ISO2 (in gas­eous or in liquid phase) is 0.1 ppm or 0.1%. Oxygen concentration around 0.5 ppm or 0.5% and up can be routinely measured in the gaseous or in the liquid phases. DL for a particular sensor tends to be different in gaseous and liquid phases when the baseline noise level is also different. In the case of SYS-ISO2, however, the baseline noise level is very close whether the electrode is immersed in solution or used in the gaseous phase, so DL for the SYS-ISO2 remains relatively close in either phase.


The small tip size (2 mm diameter) and low oxygen consumption of the OXELP electrode make it ideal for measurements in vivo or in vitro. With a T-Adapter (#5399), the sensor probe can be used also for continuous-flow monitoring of oxygen in small fluid volumes. OXELP also features a fast response time, typically 10 seconds. Optional BNC-to-double banana adaptor (#13347) and BNC cable (#500184) allow ISO2 to be connected directly to your chart recorder.

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