ISO-NOP 一氧化氮電極-2 mm
  • Response Time: <5 sec
  • Lowest Detection Limit: 1 nM
  • Sensitivity: 2 pA/nM
  • Application: Cell Cultures 

The image (right) shows an abdominal x-ray of an apparatus consisting of two customized ISO-NOP nitric oxide probes, 4-channel pH catheter and Teflon nasogastic tube. (Courtesy Prof. K.E.L. McColl, University Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Western Infirmary, Glasgow, Scotland., lijima, K., et al. Gastroenterology 2003:122:1248-1257)

The original nitric oxide probe

Ideal for cell cultures, cell suspensions and many other applications.The ISO-NOP is a popular, robust and high performance sensor encased within a 2 mm diameter disposable stainless steel protective sleeve. The tip of the sleeve is covered with a NO-selective membrane. Replacement membrane sleeves can be purchased separately (WPI #5436) and require an internal electrolyte (WPI #7325).

NO3and NO2 Detection

A simple change in experimental protocol will enable the ISO-NOP to be conveniently used for rapid accurate determination of nitrite (NO2) and nitrate (NO3) concentration in samples. Using this method a detection limit for NO2 orNO3 as low as 1nM is routinely possible.

Selectivity of WPI's NO sensors

The ideal NO sensor should be insensitive to other reactive species likely to be present within the measurement environment. Conventional Nafion coated carbon fiber NO sensor exhibits a large response to such species. WPI's unique NO sensor technology utilizes an novel surface membrane which amplifies the response to NO whilst eliminating responses to a vast range of reactive species, including nitrite, absorbic acid, hydrogen peroxide, catecolamines, and much more. 

Outside Diameter 2mm
Response Time <5 sec
Lowest Detection Limit/Range 1nM
Upper Detection Limit/Range 80uM (beyond 80uM, sensor accuracy is not guaranteed)
Nominal Sensitivity (New sensor) ≤2pA/nM
Interferent (Selectivity Coefficient) NaNO2 (10-6 or better)
Drift <1pA/min.
Poise Voltage 865mV
Typical Quiescent Baseline Current, 25°C 3,000pA
Acceptable Baseline Range 1,000-8,000pA
Polarization Time 12+ hours
Recommended Polarization Solution 0.1M KI/H2SO4
Physiological Interference None

5399 T-Adapter Kit (pkg. of 3)
5435 ISO-NOP Startup Kit
5436 Replacement Sleeves (pkg. of 4)
7325 ISO-NO Electrolyte Filling Solution (10mL)
7357 Nitrite Standard Solution, 1g/L (100mL)
7363-4 Enzol - Enzymatic detergent (1 gal.)
7364 Cidex
7521 ISONO Electrolyte, CO2 insensitive Filling Solution (10mL)
JUV ISO-NOP Rejuvenator
MF28G67-5 MicroFil electrolyte filling needle (pkg. of 5)
NSA-3  Pre-Polarizer – 3 channel, ISO-NO Activator

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