■ HS6-3 High Resolution Motorized Micromanipulator & Controller 高解析度電動顯微操作儀及控制器 •Manual controls & stepper motor dirves in all 3 axes. •Solid construciton eliminates vibrations and drifts. •Ideal for patch clamp and electrophysiology applications. Features The HS6-3 is supplied with manual controls and stepper motor drives in all 3 axes. The extremely solid construction eliminates the vibrations and drifts. With the utmost precision and long travel distance in all three directions, HS6-3 is the ideal tool for patch-clamp or electrophysiological applications. The tilting device is mounted on the base plate serves as coarse height adjustment as well and the tool holder can be swiveled in all directions. |
The MCL3 controller features a dynamic micro-step function that makes very quick positioning possible with maximum accuracy and free of vibration. Motor control is achieved with a linear output amplifier, which also drastically reduces electronic noise. Users can control the micromanipulators by joystick, keyboard, mouse or computer. The user-friendly software program can be enabled to remember up to 999 position coordinates from previous procedure and can robotically repeat this same positioning sequence. Specifications
WPI 台灣總代理 台灣節能企業股份有限公司 TEL:02-2715-1616;02-2716-0905 FAX:02-2715-5268 內容及版權屬節能企業及其所屬關係企業所有 All Rights Reserved By Zelon Enterprise & Associates |