HS6 High Resolution Manual Micromanipulator 高解析度手動顯微操作儀 Item#:
High resolution micromanipulator
Engineered for stability, and built on a twelve pound steel plate, this instrument is chosen worldwide for high resolution microrecording. such as patch clamping, and other research requiring solid, drift-free performance. A superior tool in its own right, HS6 serves equally well as a base for other precision microdrives. HS6 can be bolted directly to a lab fixture or vibration-free platform. Resolution is extremely high - each graduation on its large micrometer barrels indicates just 5 micron movements. Rack and pinion drive, V-shaped guideways, and cross roller bearings give sure, repeatable movements without sideplay, slipping, or sticking. All contact parts are milled of hardened steel. A flexible ball-joint assembly allows the electrode to be positioned at any angle relative to the x, y, or z axis. The entire manipulator tilts forward to 25 degrees allowing rapid coarse adjustment of the electrode, and allowing cell penetration along the axis of any of the micrometers. Simple, precise, and durable, the HS6 will provide years of dependable performance. |
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