FORT 10-100 

Force Transducer 10 and 100g

  • Transform applied force into proportional voltage
  • Dual-range designed to measure forces in the 0.005 to 10 gram range
  • Resistant to drift
  • intrinsically low noise characteristics

The FORT10-100 is a high sensitivity dual-range research grade force transducer designed to measure forces in the 0.005 to 10 gram and 0 to 100 gram ranges. The FORT10-100 exhibits excellent isometric properties. In addition, its unique optical technology makes it resistant to drift and offers intrinsically low noise characteristics. The FORT10-100’s on-board amplifiers reduce gain and adjustment requirements on recording amplifiers to which it may be connected.


The transducer is highly resistant to mechanical damage; its body is machined from aluminum and mounts to a standard ring stand or, with the handle removed, clamp mounts. The cable that connects the FORT10-100 to the recording amplifier is detachable, allowing for multiple cables to be configured for the user’s choice of amplifiers. FORT10-100 requires a transducer conditioning amplifier such as the Bridge8 or TBM4M

How to use

Clamp the handle of the FORT10-100 transducer in a horizontal position and apply the forces to be measured to a rivet or hook mounted in the hole at the end of the flat sensing leaf.

Force Range , full scale 10 grams or 100 grams
Output Sensitivity 75-100 μV/V/g, 7.5-10 V/V/g
Resolution 0.03% of full scale force
Resonant Frequency  
Linearity Error < 0.1% of full scale
Maximum Operating Voltage ± 5V DC
MAXIMUM APPLIED FORCE 1x rated full scale force
DIMENSIONS 1.125" x 3" x 0.6" Handle 2.54" x 0.38" diam
Weight ____________

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