low-voltage system
The superior design of the cartridge electrodes makes 100-volt current excursion unnecessary, so this safe, low-voltage system is easier to adjust and use. Extremely stable and accurate, each module, with its companion preamplifier, can operate independently in one of three different modes: Voltage Clamp (VC), Current Clamp (CC), or Open Circuit Potential (PD) measurement. ControlEVC4000
can be controlled from the front panel of the instrument or from computer
generated commands applied at the rear panel of the instrument. A feature
unique to EVC4000 is an electronic potentiostat in the preamplifier box
that maintains the serosal electrode invariant potential at zero relative
to system ground. The preamplifier apparatus actively maintains one
surface of the test membrane close to ground potential under all operating
conditions. ¡@
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