DLS100 operates in two modes: current source or voltage source. In the
current source mode, the output current is proportional to the amplitude
and polarity of the signal generated by the DS8000. In the voltage source
mode, the output voltage is proportional to the amplitude and polarity of
the signal generated by the DS8000. The DLS100 has user-selectable
push-button switches that select different current or voltage ranges (the
full-scale current from 100 nA to 10 mA, or the 10V and 100V full-scale,
respectively). Three status indicators on the DLS100 indicate power on,
activity (presence of signal from DS8000) as well as an alarm (over-range
condition) indicator. Over-range can occur when the resistance of the load
(the experiment) is too high for the current or voltage that is demanded
from the DLS100.
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